Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Early Bird Gets the Worm

So I decided yesterday that instead of trying to sleep in (and failing) I would get up at my workday times and see how much I could get done, then try to sneak a nap in later. Wow! I was ready and pumped by 9:30, the laundry was done by noon and Quintin was fed, rested and happy to boot! I guess this is the way to go!
Plus I get to see adorable things like this, I wish you could see the little roll Quintin's body makes with every breath Ian takes.
Here are some of the latest pictures of our boy.

Look at that pudgy leg sticking out! Don't you just want to pinch it?
Love that hair!He's starting to get bald spots on the back...that's going to look great :{
Adorable toes!
These adorable feet are already pushing out of 3-6 month clothing!
And he's already in size 3 diapers!

1 comment:

Christina said...

He is super cute! He actually reminds me a little of London. What do you think? We're glad you guys are enjoying him so much!