Sunday, February 21, 2010


Yeah! The day has arrived!
Quintin is smiling!
It's hard to describe the joy that comes to my heart when I see this smile.
It's a little 'reserved in the pictures because the flash startles him.
Note the double chin...soon to be triple...
his elbows even have dimples!
Have I mentioned that this boy has toxic flatulence?
He's even made Ian's eyes water! :)
He was smirking in his sleep as he let some loose in sacrament meeting today.
Hee, hee.

1 comment:

deargoodness said...

Toxic flatulence...hahaha! I'm glad George isn't the only one with that problem--last week during the Sacrament he let one loose and it was so loud!
I love it when babies smile--he is seriously so cute Bonnie!