Monday, November 15, 2010


A small Sisters Reunion was organized for my first mission president, Cliff & Linda Jones, at their house in Newport Beach. I think it looks like a fairy tale.Since I haven't made it to any of the reunions so far I really wanted to go to this one. Only four of us made it. Tilane, Sarah and Wendy all served before me.I braved the 7 plus hour drive with 8 month old Q and went to SoCal. I stopped to visit an old High School friend who had twins a week after I had Q on the way. SO good to see her. Pres. and Sister Jones were awesome it was wonderful to visit with them. Of course they adored Q!They took us out on a tour of Newport Bay in their little electric boat called a duffy. Quintin was adorable, even though he HATED the life vest which cranked his head and pushed on his chin. He fell asleep pretty quickly, so that was good. Q smiling at Sis. Jones. Who wouldn't love Sis Jones? I don't know about you but I wouldn't want a huge, stinky sea lion sleeping on my sailboat. No matter how cute he was.
Near the beginning of August we learned that Ian's district manager had been killing ALL of his attempts to move jobs in FedEx for the past 6 months. It was quite disappointing. We determined that we needed to move back to WA in order for me to stay home with Q. So, we started the process of getting ready to go. Ian also decided that he would finally apply to grad school.
Quintin was making tremendous progress with his bowen therapy, when I told his therapist we were moving out of state her solution (since she's one of the only pediatric bowen therapists) was for me to take the intro Bowen class that she just happened to be teaching in her office (1st time!) that month. What a blessing. We forked out the dough to keep our kiddo from being an invalid. I learned so much, it was awesome. (so far he hasn't regressed too much under my ministrations) People flew in from the midwest and the caribbean to take the class, luckily I only had to commute 45 minutes! We were hoping I could use it on Ian's back, too, but my arthritis has been a hindrance so far. :(

Packing was quite a chore. Q was unusually fussy the two weeks I was trying to pack and get us ready to load the truck. Unbeknownst to us Q was teething! The day we loaded the truck he cut his first tooth! It was another 2 months before he cut another! Several sisters in the ward volunteered to babysit Q to help, which it did, but when the day came we were still long from done packing. Some VERY good friends came over to help us finish. I don't know if we could have done it without them. We rented a 26 foot truck because it was the cheapest route, and we ended up needing it. If we had packed to the ceiling we might have had a few extra feet left over.
Here's the crazy scenario we planned out because our apt. manager wouldn't let us stay another month:
  • load the truck on Friday
  • Drive to WA on Saturday, me in the car with Q and Ian in the truck and the cats.
  • Unload the truck Sunday with family help.
  • Ian fly back Monday, to keep working to maintain medical benefits for all of Q's big tests in 3 weeks in Sacramento, Q and me home alone. Ian staying in an extra room at a friend of ours.
  • four days later Q and I fly to Denver with the in-laws for a Walker reunion, meet Ian there.
  • one week later Q and I fly home to unpack for two weeks alone.
  • Q and I fly back to Sacramento for a week to do his tests.
  • We ALL drive home together, finally, taking two days this time.
Is that crazy or what? I don't know why I thought I'd ever be able to do all that and maintain sanity. It ended up taking us two days to drive the moving truck to Wa, so that was crazy, too. When we stopped for food along the way Q showed his skills sucking on a straw for the first time. The stress of all this actually cut my milk supply by 90%. I'm so glad that's over. I believe my behavior in the month of September was reprehensible, so I apologize to everyone who had to experience it...I'll probably repeat this in the next post as well.

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