8 TV shows I Love to watch
4.Big Bang Theory
5.House – before it went morbid
6.Stargate SG-1
7.Stargate Atlantis
8.Star Trek Next Generation
8 Places I Love to eat
1.Mom’s –homemade tacos
2.Red Lobster – 1 time, UW graduation celebration
3.Olive Garden –mmm, all you can eat salad
4.Spaghetti Factory – I miss it!
5.Elephant Bar
6.Cheesecake Factory
7.Mom Walker’s
8.In a home filled with the spirit!
8 Things that happened yesterday - Shoot, yesterday was boring because I was so exhausted from the past week. I’ll say the past week instead.
1.I got new glasses this week to stop my headaches. They’ve got a cool design on the side.
2.I bought new shoes and inserts this week that will hopefully make it possible for me to work a whole day and not be in dire pain at the end.
3.I chaperoned the ‘Haunted Harvest Dance’ at my school. Middle school kids are much more pleasant to watch that high schoolers!
4.Parent-teacher conference.
5.RS “Get to know you” activity, I go to church with AMAZING people.
6.A full day observation of my classroom program by the county program specialist. She had great advice.
7.The dentist fixed one of my teeth but left the gums surrounding it in lots of pain that still hasn’t gone away, yet! I go back this next week, too.
8.Trying not to stress and worry about the consequences of the blatant disregard for Heavenly Father’s Plan by my fellow Californians in the upcoming elections.
8 Things I love about Fall
1.Changing colors.
2.In Cali it’s NOT cold, yet!
3.The feeling in the air is exciting.
4.Christmas is coming!
5.Christmas music.
6.My cold weather wardrobe is much more versatile than my warm weather wardrobe.
7.Watching migrating birds.
8.It’s easier to snuggle with my honey when it’s cooler.
8 Things on my wish list
1.Ian to have a good job in his field so I can stay home and live without stress and pressure.
2.Our own LIVE children.
3.Peace and serenity.
4.Being debt-free.
5.A full years food storage.
7.a dog
8 People I am tagging
1.Bonnie W
2.Stacy P
6.Tani T
8.? I don’t know how many more of my friends have blogs!
the end of a blog
7 years ago